Tuesday, March 27, 2012

connection problem

Hi, All,
SQL7.0, SP3 on Win2000 server+ sp1
I remote access our client in FL, recently I get error
message [DBNMPNTW] Connection write(writefile()) message
then the connection failed.
What's cause the problem how can I fix it.
Thanks and have a nice day
HawkHi Hawk,
Connection write using the Named Pipes library. There could be a
permission problem with Named Pipes /SMB or a restrictive Security Template
setting. Try connecting using TCP.
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Kevin,
Thanks, but how can change it to TCP? Could you tell me
Have a good weekend

>--Original Message--
>Hi Hawk,
> Connection write using the Named Pipes library.
There could be a
>permission problem with Named Pipes /SMB or a
restrictive Security Template
>setting. Try connecting using TCP.
>Kevin McDonnell
>Microsoft Corporation
>This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and
confers no rights.
>|||Use the SQL Client Network Utility and create a TCP alias. Enter the
actual servername for the alias, this way the client will use sockets
If you have MDAC 2.6 on the client you can also try this as a test.
osql -Stcp:ServerNameHere -UuserName -Ppassword
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Thank you very much and have a good one

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